Demonstrace v zahraničí

Na události kolem Czechteku začíná reagovat i veřejnost v zahraničí. Proběhla demonstrace před českou ambasádou v Dublinu a po Evropě se podle našich informací připravují další. Pozdrav a maximální podporu v protestech zasílají také skupiny lidí ze Skandinávie. Přátelé z Finska vám posílají tuto fotografickou zdravici - z dalekých Helsinek.




These are pictures of the support demonstration in Helsinki, Finland against the human rights violations which took place at the CzechTek2005 festival on 29.7-31.7 in the Czech Republic.

This demonstration of a few activists took place tuesday 2.8 at 16.00 until 18.30 before the Czech embassy on Armfeltintie 14 in Eira, Helsinki.

The agenda of the demonstration was unacceptance of human rights violations conducted by the czech police force at CzechTek2005. The demonstrators demanded that prime minister Jiri Paroubek, foreign minister Josif Bublan and the Czech government be held responsible for their actions.

The demonstration was peaceful and talks between the demonstrators and the representants of the czech embassy were conducted in good spirit on behalf of both sides. Internet site addresses containing video, still picture and written word material were given to the head of the embassy by the demonstrators. The police were present but left after 45 minutes and the demonstrators continued their peaceful protest for another hour and 15 minutes.

A friendly local person supplied the demonstrators with refreshing beverages and interesting conversation, thanks to everyone who attended!






Partnerské linky: festivaly 2016